Deal actively and directly with all sorts of struggles:

  • Are you feeling anxious or unable to settle down?

  • Do you feel socially awkard?

  • Are you feeling depressed?

  • Do you struggle with substances?

  • Does your personality rub people the wrong way?

  • Has your self-esteem dipped to a low point?

  • Are you trying to deal with a major life change?


INDIVIDUAL THERAPY, also known as individual counseling or simply therapy, is a type of psychological treatment that involves a licensed mental health professional working with a single client to identify and address their emotional, behavioral, and mental health concerns.

The therapist uses various techniques and approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalytic therapy, or humanistic therapy, to help the client better understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and develop coping skills and strategies to manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being. Individual therapy typically involves regular sessions, usually once or twice a week, in which the therapist and client work together to explore the client's experiences, discuss their challenges and goals, and develop a treatment plan.

The duration of treatment varies depending on the client's needs and progress, but it typically lasts for several weeks or months.